Mission: Woodland Schools Foundation works to support and nurture student educational and after-school opportunities by supporting vital programs and services that enhance the development of mind, body and character of Woodland Joint Unified School District students.
Background: The Woodland Schools Foundation, established in 2001, has grown from a small grant-giving organization, originally called the Apple Tree Foundation, into a vibrant non-profit that distributes community raised funds to our local schools. We are a volunteer run organization comprised of individuals who are passionate about improving Woodland public schools with more than 200 volunteers support our annual community events. 98% of funds raised go directly to programs that benefit students in the Woodland Joint Unified School District (WJUSD).
A few of the WJUSD programs we have funded include core educational programs like the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curriculum, GATE, elementary school musical instruments, middle and high school sport coaches stipends, and elementary school noon yard-duty positions.
For complete finanical information, including past IRS tax forms, please see our updated profile on the national nonprofit GuideStar website. The Woodland Schools Foundation is financialy independent of the WJUSD. The Foundation enjoys a collaborative relationship with the WJUSD board and staff to enhance and further the education of our students.
Additionally, the Woodland Schools Foundation is a member of the Woodland Chamber of Commerce and the California Consortium of Educational Foundations (CCEF).
- Recruiting a board of parent and community representatives to provide direction and guidance in the formation and ongoing activities of the Woodland Schools Foundation.
- Recruit a minimum of ten board members representing diversity among individual schools to staff the board during the ’19-20 school year.
- Hold no fewer than 10 monthly meetings.
- Creating a strong organizational structure capable of sustaining fund-raising and promotional activities to benefit Woodland schools.
- Develop monthly financial reports.
- Develop and maintain a committee structure to accomplish tasks.
- Raising in excess of $30,000 during the ’19-20 school year.
- Successfully implement no fewer than three fundraising events.
- Investigate and create an endowment fund that will serve as a safety net for programs at our schools during times of reduced state funding.